No Solid Ground, exerpt

No Solid Ground

In the video series “No Solid Ground,” Roisin Jones navigates white spaces as a person of colour, blending imagery, poetry, and performance to create a profound journey of self-discovery. Inspired by West African and Caribbean folk stories, Jones embraces Anansi, the spider, as a unifying symbol that illuminates forgotten histories and transforms our understanding of shared experiences. Through performance art, she fearlessly confronts the challenges of hostile environments, transcending barriers to engage with silenced narratives and empowering herself. Her work sheds light on resilience, challenges preconceptions, and fosters empathy. Jones forges connections, transcends boundaries, and invites viewers to reexamine their perspectives, offering healing and transformation through storytelling.

Artist Director: Roisin Jones

Director of Photography: Olamide Shoyinka

Camera Assistant: Niamh O Reilly

Lighting Assistant: Leonard Kuhn

Performers: Sarita Osei-Tutu, Roisin Jones

Production Manager: Harry Kumar

Production Assistants: Dan Middleton, Gabriel Killian-Middleton

Post Production Editor: Fleming Mason

Video Effects and CGI: James Riley

Music Production Manager: Maite Villarino

Composer, Musician, Performer & Music Producer: Moussa Dembele

Composer, Musician and Performer: Dembis Thioung


Temple of the Spider